Garston Manor School Specialist School for Autism, Learning Difficulties
and Speech and Language
Classes in KS3 most students have three 45 minute lessons of science each week.
In Years 7, 8 and 9, most of our students will be covering different topics every half term. These include On the Move, Circuits & Conductors, Hot & Cold, Attracting & Stretching, Separating Solids & Liquids, and Life in Habitats.
Group 7 will be studying termly topics called Studio Magic, Pyrotechnics and Alien.
In Years 10 and 11 all students follow the AQA Entry Level Science curriculum, with two 45 minute lessons each week. This is composed of 6 units of work, 2 Biology, 2 Chemistry and 2 Physics. Students complete a written assessment and a practical assignment for each unit, and will hopefully leave at the end of Year 11 with an entry level certificate in Science.