Garston Manor School Specialist School for Autism, Learning Difficulties
and Speech and Language
Welcome to DLC
Garston Manor has a new department known as the DLC (Differentiated Learning Centre). There are currently three KS3 classes and one KS4 class within this department. Class sizes are approximately seven in size, however are flexible with individualised needs and the change in needs within different cohorts of classes. There is one teacher and one LSA assigned to each class, however the adult ratio is also flexible. The physical structure of each class is individualised to support students with an autism spectrum disorder in the use of furniture, minimal distractions, visual aids, timetables and a predictable and safe environment. The DLC have started trialling a new curriculum, incorporating schemes of work from ” Equals” and the national framework. Cross – curricular links are made within all the subjects and subjects are taught within the same class, by the same teacher, except for specialist subjects such as music and physical education. The communication methods used in classes are once again individualised and can vary from signing, object and symbol exchange, visual and written text. The staff in DLC have a close partnership with the Speech and Language therapist who assists in planning and setting targets for the students, as well as training the staff. Links are made with the main school in the form of reading buddies, weekly assemblies together, lunch and break times together and cross – curricular days.